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False Positives

False Positive
Legitimate e-mail that is falsely rejected by an anti-spam product.
False Negative
Spam e-mail that is falsely accepted by an anti-spam product.

No e-mail scanning solution can be 100% effective. There is always a trade off between accepting spam and rejected legitimate e-mails.

Our Goal: Zero false positives

The key to achieving zero false positives is in PerfectMail's history and reputation engine. By watching and recording e-mail activity, PerfectMail learns the identity of your e-mail addresses and their e-mail peers; as well as building and learning the reputations of both known and unknown mail servers.

PerfectMail learns and remembers who you e-mail, so we can let those messages through.


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Last modified: 2012-11-06, 06:13

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